Autumn is Vata Season

Autumn is Vata season. As the hot weather of summer changes to the cooler, changeable weather of Autumn the qualities of Vata increase in the environment and our physiology. Now is the perfect time … Read more

Honey is back!

Our delicious Maharishi Honey is now back in stock. This season we have Spring Coastal Flora which is quite sweet to taste with a tantalising finish.   Get in while … Read more

Spring is on its way…..

  From the Ayurvedic viewpoint, interesting things happen within your body as winter gives way to spring and then spring give way to summer. As spring progresses, the cold, slow, … Read more

Free Online Introduction to Maharishi Ayurveda Course

We are still offering this unique Online experience Free Online Course Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda Visit: Course Description The International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation presents this Health Education Lectures Series Introduction … Read more

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