Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health
Maharishi has continued to unfold the principles and practical programs of his Vedic Science, and has brought to light that each of the 40 areas of the Vedic literature has great benefit to health and human development. Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health takes advantage of all 40 aspects of Veda and the Vedic Literature to promote balance in mind, body, and environment.

For example, the various classical Ayurvedic texts, which focus on promoting balance in physiological functioning, are among the 40 aspects of Vedic Literature. In addition, the knowledge of how to establish balanced functioning of the mind based on full development of mental potential is found in the Yoga aspect of the Vedic Literature, and this knowledge is practically available in Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs.

The knowledge of how to create a healthy living and working environment is contained in the Sthapatya Veda aspect of the Vedic Literature. Maharishi Sthapatya VedaTM offers the practical knowledge and programs to design and construct buildings in harmony with Natural Law so that the individual and family enjoy maximum influence of good health from their home or in the workplace. The influence on health of the distant environment – the sun, moon, planets, and stars – is brought to light in the Jyotish aspect of the Vedic Literature. Maharishi JyotishTM provides precise calculations of various influences from the cosmic environment on the individual’s health and on other aspects of life, and makes use of Maharishi Yagya procedures to avert negative influences that may be forthcoming.

What Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health Offers:

  • Improve health, vitality and well-being
  • Prevent illness arising
  • Use natural methods to treat disease
  • Improve digestion
  • Look younger
  • Prolong your life
  • Have more energy
  • Enjoy better sleep
  • Be more effective
  • Help your whole family stay healthy.

To find a qualified practitioner in your area visit the Maharishi Ayurveda Consultants page →

Maharishi Gandharva Veda         
A breath-taking sunset, a panoramic mountain view or a waterfall in the woods can fill you with wonder and joy. The melodies of Gandharva Veda mirror this experience. If you could hear the frequencies of Nature, you would hear the sounds of Gandharva Veda music.

Each of these melodies (Ragas) traces the vibrations and pattern of a particular time of day. When you play a melody during the specified time period, it creates a natural balance and harmony in your awareness and in the environment, and through the particular quality (Rasa) of each Raga, characteristics such as greater courage, self-confidence, wisdom, and happiness are enlivened.

View the Gandharva Veda page. →

Maharishi Jyotish
Maharishi Jyotish™ Program: The Maharishi Jyotish program – Maharishi Vedic Astrology – is a precious discipline of Maharishi Vedic Science™. It has been applied from time immemorial to help foresee and avert dangers, and is now available through the Maharishi Jyotish Consultation Service.

Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation™ (TM), founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is the single most effective technique available for gaining deep relaxation, eliminating stress, promoting health, increasing creativity and intelligence, and attaining inner happiness and fulfillment.

Practiced by 5 million people world-wide, Transcendental Meditation™ is a simple, natural, effortless technique. Its effectiveness has been validated by over 500 scientific studies at more than 200 independent research institutions in 30 countries.

The Transcendental Meditation™ technique requires no belief or lifestyle change, is non-religious, is not time-consuming, and can be learned by anyone regardless of age or level of education.

To learn more about Transcendental Meditation in Australia:  Visit here

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