Fitness and Exercise

How much and how hard should I exercise?
Ayurveda recommends 30 minutes to one hour of exercise every day, and exercising at 80% of your capacity, so over time your capacity increases.

How does exercise detoxify the body?
Ayurveda tells us that an important way to detoxify the body is through exercise. This might be a bit of a surprise but there is a practical explanation: When exercising the heart pumps faster, taking more blood to the lungs. This in turn means more oxygen for each cell in the body, rejuventating the whole body, like a breath of fresh country air after breathing city air all day.

Should I expose my body to cold air after exercise?
After a long hard exercise session, it is important to avoid suddenly exposing your warm body to the cold autumn air because this can jolt the nervous system.

What is the purpose of exercise according to Maharishi Ayurveda?
According to Maharishi Ayurveda, exercise has a two-fold purpose:

  • To promote greater mind-body coordination
  • To eliminate ama (product of undigested food, the seat of disease in the body) from the body and mind.

The Ayurvedic principles of exercise are at once general and customized to balance individual doshas.

How should I exercise to balance Vata?
Maharishi Ayurveda recommends exercising with the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in mind.

To balance Vata, regular exercise is good, but not too strenuous. Choose brisk walking, hiking, swimming, or bicycling over activities such as jogging.
Be alert to signs of increasing Vata, such as shortness of breath, weakness in the muscles, or other signs of fatigue.
Take rest then to prevent further imbalance in Vata dosha

How should I exercise to balance Pitta?
Maharishi Ayurveda recommends exercising with the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in mind.

If you need to keep Pitta balanced, it is essential that you avoid strain while exercising.
Don’t push yourself to your limit – exercise to about 50% – 80% of your ability.
Water sports and winter sports would be especially soothing and balancing for Pitta.
Signs of increasing Pitta to watch for include overheating and dehydration – rest, drink, and cool down gradually to prevent further imbalance in Pitta dosha.

How should I exercise to balance Kapha?
Maharishi Ayurveda recommends exercising with the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in mind.

Exercise is very important for balancing the heavy, slower qualities of Kapha dosha. For people with a Kapha build (stockier, stable build), Maharishi Ayurveda recommends exercising to the point of working up a ‘good sweat’, in sports such as distance rowing, running, and swimming.

When should I exercise?
Maharishi Ayurveda recommends exercising in accord with the natural cycles of the day. The best time of the day is in the morning, between 6am and 10am. This is the daily Kapha time, which is the least likely time to disturb Vata and Pitta doshas through your energetic exercise. Pitta time of the day, between 10am and 2pm, is not a good time for exercise, which may interfere with digestion. During Vata time of the day, between 2pm and 6pm, our body naturally tends to rest after the day’s activity, so after exercising at those hours make sure to rest properly.

What exercise can I perform to enhance digestion in the evening?
An evening stroll after dinner is a gentle exercise that promotes proper digestion and, especially in the summer, is a pleasant way to cool Pitta dosha down.

Is there a particular amount of exercise suitable for everyone?
According to Ayurveda, no particular exercise or amount of exercise is suitable for all three doshas. Similarly, no particular exercise or amount of exercise is correct for everyone all the time.
Therefore, Maharishi Ayurveda recommends adjusting your exercise to the needs of your body and mind as they change with the time of day, month, and season.

Women in particular are recommended to exercise very lightly (if at all) during their menstrual days, an easy walk being very appropriate, and to drink Maharishi Ayurveda Smooth Cycle Tea.

Should I exercise before meals?
To promote good digestion, Ayurveda recommends avoiding vigorous exercise 1/2 hour before a meal, and 1 and a half to 2 hours after it. This will ensure that exercise is not opposing the metabolism of digestion.

Should I exercise before sleep?
To ensure a good night’s sleep, Ayurveda recommends avoiding vigorous exercise before sleep, although a stroll in the evening can be a good way to relax from the day’s pressures.

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