Faye Shepherd

Faye gives personal health care consultations at Maharishi School in Reservoir or in Eltham and other locations. Her areas of speciality include correcting imbalances before they fully manifest as disease, dietary and lifestyle advice, particularly for women and children and measures to prevent chronic disorders.

Faye gives seminars and workshops on Maharishi Ayur Veda and teaches the Maharishi College of Vedic Medicine Short Courses:

Good Health through Prevention: Eliminating the Basis of Disease by bringing life into Accord with Natural Law

Diet Digestion and Nutrition: Promoting Optimal Nourishment and Health  through Balanced Diet, Digestion and Nutrition

Self Pulse Reading for Good Health: Detecting Balance and Imbalance in the Physiology by Feeling Ones Own Pulse

Maharishi Yoga – A course on Yoga Exercise: Creating Physiological Balance and MInd-Body Coordination for Ideal Health and Well-Being

Faye is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation.

Contact Faye Shepherd

Ms. Faye Shepherd, Dip Health (MAVHEC), Grad Dip Arts (Rec)
(03) 9462 3661
Email: fayeshep@bigpond.net.au

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