What physical exercises should I perform to get rid of cellulite?
In cases of cellulite, Ayurveda recommends exercising the thighs, legs and affected areas.
An excellent way to do this is to practise Maharishi Yoga Asanas, which you can learn from your nearest Trancendental Meditation centre (see links page).
What massages should I perform to help get rid of cellulite?
Ayurveda recommends performing the Abhyanga self-massage, which is done with Maharishi Ayurveda massage oils, and for removing cellulite, it is especially beneficial to use Garshan Gloves. You can find out more about Abhyanga at you local Transcendental Meditation centre (see links page).
What dosha should I pacify to help get rid of cellulite?
Following an ideal Ayurvedic diet will help you reach your natural weight and thus avoid cellulite. Ayurveda recommends eating three meals a day; skipping meals creates imbalances which do not help in weight loss.